- Be Kind to the Color Blind - ColourLovers
- Why Captioning? - Stanford University
- Stop Using JAWS for Web Accessibility Testing? - Clear Helper
- Making the mobile internet accessible for all - ComputerWeekly
- NCAA college basketball tournament bracket - Terrill Thompson
- Problems with CAPTCHA and audio CAPTCHA alternative - groups.drupal
- What Is A Braille Display And How It Is Used - Even Grounds
- Call for speaker proposals for "13th Annual Accessing Higher Ground" conference. First round due April 2.
- Why websites shouldn't accommodate disabled users - by Pete Love (e.g. use universal design)
- Accessibility Review: Target.com - by Joe Dolson (post lawsuit)
- Screen Readers And WAI-ARIA Landmark Roles - LĂ©onie Watson
- Variations on Ginader's [Awesome] Accessible Tabs - Accessible Culture
- Accessibility of Links by Steve Grobschmidt
- Web Accessibility Preferences Are For Sissies? - WebAIM
- Boston Accessibility Unconference is May 15
- Web Accessibility Fears and Ways to Conquer Them - Even Grounds
CSUN Summaries
- CSUN Conference 2010 - great summary by Nicholas Zakas
- Insights into the 25th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference - The DAISY Planet
- CSUN 2010 recap - Marco of Mozilla
- More Audio Coverage of CSUN 2010 - Blind Bargains [no transcriptions]
- CSUN photos from Dennis - a dozen or show snapshots
CSUN Presentations
- Stanford Captioning System: A Workflow Model for Producing Captioned Media - includes link to PDF of presentation
- Download the Adaptech presentation on social media use & accessibility; view the entire survey, too.
- Importance of Accessibility for a Successful and Future-Proof Business - Artur Ortega of Yahoo
- Accessibility of Twitter - by and Joseph O'Connor and Dennis Lembree
- Adobe Slides from CSUN 2010 Talks
- DAISY Consortium's Presentation at CSUN (captioned video)
- Point-and-Chat info and presentations (AAC application)
- Presentations from WebAIM - great stuff!